Friday, July 13: Hosea 3 - Paid for twice.

How devastating would it be to have a wife who forsakes you to be a prostitute? I simply cannot imagine. I have no frame of reference.

Hosea marries a prostitute. I can understand that, though it is not easy for me to understand. Then she abandons him to return to that lifestyle and he goes and buys her back with the pledge that she can live with him many days, adding the caveat of being faithful this time.

I really don’t know how to process that depth of commitment, dare I say that depth of love.

God is using Hosea’s actual life as a prophetic reflection for God’s love and commitment to Israel. Though Israel strayed again and again to religious prostitution seeking other gods, God will buy her back yet again!

Covenant love displayed… an Old Testament version of the story of the prodigal Father!

The Spirit whispers, God loves me. God loves me. God loves me with a love so deep that He will buy me back again and again

Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so… Yes, that is exactly what the Bible tells me!

Thank You, Lord God Almighty. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit… for Your incredible love. Amen!



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