Wednesday, March 3: John 2-

Reading the miracle of Cana, I was immediately attracted to Mary. What faith she had in Jesus.  A few words capture the moment. Verses 1-5: a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine." "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come." His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." We learn later in verse 11 that this was Jesus’ first miracle.

Something in Mary said, ‘Jesus can fix this’. Something in Mary told her Jesus was the answer to the bridegroom’s problem. Luke tells us that from His miraculous birth, Mary had been treasuring and pondering the events of Jesus’ life. Something in Mary said, ‘Tell Him, ask Him, expect Him to make things right.

Incredible faith. Jesus was not a miracle worker with a long resume. According to John’s account, Jesus had only recently called disciples. His mission was barely underway. And yet Mary knew, Jesus could, Jesus would … "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. Without so much as a flinch, Mary turns to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."


Faith, incredible, out-of-the-box faith, that’s what Mary showed me this morning. And her faith, apparently, incubated the miracle at Cana

Lord, I am inspired by Mary’s out-of-the-box faith in Jesus. Honestly, I don’t have that. I may have a measure of copy-cat faith, seen-it-before-so-I-may-ask-for-it-now, kind of faith, but I don’t have do-the-impossible, never-seen-it-done-before faith in Jesus. I wish I did. It seems this is 1Cor 12 gift-of-the-Spirit faith or mountain-moving faith (Mt 17:20, 1Cor 13:2).

Lord, if it is pure gift, I am open for You to give it.

If like Mary, I have to ponder and treasure the life and events of Jesus, then lead me to new depths, treasuring and pondering, so that my life and my faith will be grown.

Lord, I am asking for the incredible faith I see in Mary. Lord, I am asking not for any personal benefit or prestige or power, but so that Your kingdom will be advance. I seek only to be a tool in Your mighty and majestic hand. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


Note: just to be perfectly clear, my prayer for faith is not a prayer for saving faith. God granted that to me when I first believed in Jesus. If fact, I believe only because God first granted me saving faith. I am praying for Matthew 17, 1Cor 12 and 13 faith…



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