Friday, May 27: Job 13- Love, encourage, support.

As I read, my heart breaks. Job is in deep physical and emotional pain, his friends came to his side in a time of trouble and now it seems that their time together has fallen into the pit of “I’m better than you.” The friends justify themselves and condemn Job and he does the same in return.

Would it turn out well if he [God] examined you? Could you deceive him as you might deceive men? (9).

My thoughts shifted to the New Testament and all the ‘one another’ verses especially in the letters, ‘love one another, greet one another, encourage one another…’ God’s Word over and over commends us to come alongside one another and build up, help, encourage and support. And yet as I read these chapters, Job and friends are needling, condemning, tearing down and making fun of one another. How sad.

I think about my ‘come alongside’ times. Do I express love and encouragement or do I make things worse? I hope the former but wonder if at times I don’t slip into the latter?

O God, help me to be a love and encourage one another kind of guy. May my words build up and always point people to You, Jesus. This is pray. Amen.



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