Tuesday, September 20: Isaiah 23- Learning Lessons.

Reading this judgment of Tyre, I was saddened because they apparently will not learn.

Verse 17: At the end of seventy years [years of God’s punishment], the LORD will deal with Tyre. She will return to her hire as a prostitute and will ply her trade with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth.

It is one thing to be disciplined by the Lord. It happens to all of us. But it is a sad thing when we don’t learn and grow and change. Tyre did not grow…

Reading this caused me to review my own life. I never liked being punished growing up. Truth is I still don’t, but I do try to learn from my mistakes and grow to be a better person. I don’t always succeed on the first try, but generally I do try to learn and grow from my mistakes and failures.

I try to live the same pattern in my walk with Jesus.  I try to learn from God’s discipline. I don’t always get it the first time but eventually God’s discipline sinks in.

How about you? Do you learn and grow from God’s disciplines or are you like Tyre? Ponder this before you conclude your time with the Lord this morning.

Lord, even though I don’t like it, I do thank You for Your discipline. I want to be a man that brings You honor and glory, and that will only happen if You discipline the chaff out of my life. I am Yours O, Lord. I am Yours. Amen.


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