Tuesday, April 22: 1Samuel 3- The voice of the Lord.


Two thoughts gripped me…

The first one is the heart of the chapter, learning to hear the Lord. In OT days to be a prophet a person needed to know the voice of the Lord. And Samuel, whom God was grooming to be His prophet, needed to learn to distinguish the Lord’s voice from other voices. In Samuel’s case, the Lord spoke with him audibly. That must have been amazing…

Samuel’s account opened up the whole topic of hearing God’s voice, which I believe is possible to this day. In fact, I think all Christ followers, since we have the Holy Spirit within, can and must learn to hear the Lord’s voice. Listening for the Lord’s leading and direction is critical for us if we are to do His will and be His people.

The chapter opens, In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions (1b). The Hebrew parallelism reminds me that the Lord speaks in many ways. He may speak directly as He did with Samuel. He may speak in visions, something we see throughout scripture. God may use dreams, or His word or a quiet nudge within a person, or…. The wonderful thing is God still speaks and leads. And according to Peter’s Acts 2 speech, quoting Joel, in this age God now speaks with all His people (see Acts 2:17-21).

What a wonder it is to learn and know the Lord’s voice…

I have never heard an audible voice from God, but I have known the leading of the Lord. Thank You, Lord.

Have you developed ears to hear what the Lord is saying to you?...

Think about it, and email me if the idea of hearing the Lord’s voice peeks your interest and you want to know more.

Just before the chapter closed I was struck by Eli’s response to Samuel when Samuel told him all that the Lord was going to do to his family. Eli said, "He is the LORD; let him do what is good in his eyes" (18)

I was amazed by Eli’s utter faith in and trust in the Lord. What Samuel told him was a word of judgment by the Lord for allowing his sons to sin rampantly. Eli accepted his fate and God’s judgment, no questions asked. That’s faith. Eli was honest with himself and recognized the Lord as sovereign! May I be so submissive to the Lord in similar moments…

Lord, thank You for speaking. Thank You for helping me grow in listening and hearing. Lord, I still have much to learn.  Teach, show, lead and train me that I may hear and obey when You speak rightly.

And, Lord, develop in me the simple faith of Eli, who when he heard Your word, accepted it because You, and You alone, are the LORD! Amen.


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