Saturday, August12: Ephesians 4- Living a life worthy of your calling.

This chapter begins Paul’s ‘so what.’ What affect should the Christian faith have on a person’s life? The Christian faith should affect the entirety of one’s life; how we speak to others, how we treat others, what we believe and how we treat people inside and outside the faith.

No part of a person’s life is unaffected by faith in Jesus… or at least that is the way it is supposed to be. I love the instructions regarding stealing. Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need (28). Not only are they supposed to STOP stealing, but they are to find work, not simply to support themselves and their family, but so that they can help people in need.

WOW… the Christian faith pushes a person far beyond being good and doing the right thing. Faith in Jesus gives us new eyes to see life differently and a new heart that longs to make the world a better place.

As I typed that last line, it was as if God began asking me, “How are you doing, Bill, with making your world a better place? Are you taking care of those in need? Are you being kind to others?” The questions kept coming. God is asking me how faith in Jesus is changing my life.

How is faith in Jesus changing your life?

Think about it… there is plenty of fodder in this chapter to use as a plumb line for your life.

God, thank You… thank You that faith is practical. Problem is God, I still need so much help living into the depth and reality of faith in Jesus. Help me please, I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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