Thursday, August 24: Colossians 4- Make the most of every opportunity.

Always with a practical eye to kingdom living, Paul concludes with these words. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (5-6).

How thoughtful and simple.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders. How we act toward others says a great deal about who we are inside as people. Let’s be honest, what do you think of someone who is belligerent and unfriendly?  Have you ever stood in a shopping line or been stuck in an airline seat or been seated at a restaurant near someone who is caustic toward the server, attendant or check out person? It is uncomfortable and embarrassing, even when you do not know the offender. And if they are a Christian, any chance of sharing the love of Jesus is gone, caput!

Be wise… make the most of every opportunity Paul lives to be a witness. Being wise and kind and faithful is a first step toward faith living and faith sharing. His life, as has become apparent these last weeks, is all about living for Jesus and seeing the Gospel of Jesus spread throughout the world.

Paul’s example and teaching chides me to ‘amp up’ my living for Jesus. Making the most of every opportunity, seasoning my conversations with grace and living in such a manner that people wonder what makes me tic. That provides avenues for me to share my faith and love in Jesus.

Lord, conversation does not come easily for me. Help me to grow in relating easily with people so that I can shine for Jesus, be living wisely, looking for opportunities and speaking with grace. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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