Tuesday, October 12: Nehemiah 1- Do something

What a great account… Nehemiah, cupbearer to the king in Babylon, learns the plight of his people who have returned to Jerusalem. The news breaks him…

A thought washes over me.  Does anything break my heart? Does any plight, problem, concern, or issue break me? Or am I so insulated and guarded from the world and those around me that I don’t let any news get past my exterior where it might break my heart??? Oh, this is a difficult question…

I kept reading…

Nehemiah stewed and wept and mourned over the news of his kinsmen.  He even fasted.

The thought rolled in again.  Do I let anything past my exterior and under my skin where it could affect me like this news affected Nehemiah? Do I?…

The text doesn’t say if or what the Lord said to him during his weeping and fasting. Did he hear a word? Did he have a thought or idea? We don’t know. God did not see fit to tell us any specifics. What we do know is that Nehemiah rose, resolved to do something about which he needed to speak to the king. The only prayer we are privy to is his brief prayer asking God for success when he goes to see the king. We don’t even know what he was going to ask the king. Nehemiah’s prayer was straight to the point: Verse 11 O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man."

A broken heart and resolve to do something… that is a recipe for a life blessed by God.

Think about it.

O, Lord, break my heart and place a burden within me to go and do something for Your kingdom’s sake… Amen.


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