Friday, March 4: 2Chronicles 6- Majestic description and haunting thought

Solomon prays an astounding prayer, oh his depth of insight filled with recognition of God’s majesty and human depravity.

As he prayed, I marveled at the Lord who knows and sees everything. Verse 30 caused me to pause and ponder… Forgive, and deal with each man according to all he does, since you know his heart (for you alone know the hearts of men). God knows my heart. God sees through my actions to my intentions. He knows what motivates and drives me. He knows the inclinations of my heart. God knows me better than I know me.

On the one hand this gave me great comfort. I serve a BIG God, the BIGGEST God, who alone knows the heart of men – all men! If I am going to serve and worship God, I want it to be the BIG God not some capricious god who can make mistakes and be fooled and loose battles kind of god.

On the other hand I felt vulnerable.  God knows who I truly am… the me inside… the me who thinks, dreams and lives selfishly… the me who doesn’t love consistently and instead is capable of hate and vile thoughts and … God knows me… ugly sin-filled me.

I find myself amazed that this all-knowing God loves insignificant and sin-filled me. Wow! I am reduced to praise:

O, Lord, I don’t know how to respond other than to praise You and thank You. I marvel at Your magnificence, Your power, Your knowledge… I’m in awe of You… the Doxology spontaneously bursts into my prayer: Praise God from whom all blessings flow… Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!

After those spontaneous moments of praise I flashed back to the text haunted by Solomon. How could he believe and pray such an insightful prayer on this day and yet turn his back on God’s ways for so much of his life?

O, God, keep me near You. Do not let me stray. My sin-filled self is so easily capable of turning from You. I beg for Your grace, Your mercy. I plead for Your Holy Spirit to fill and lead me toward You. I pray for strength to gain victory, by Your Spirit within me, over the sin which besets my life this side of eternity. I humble myself before You… O, Jesus, guide me home faithfully… Amen.



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