Wednesday, March 2: 2Chronicles 4- Elaborate furnishings

Furnishings for the Temple were quite something… the bronze sea with its elaborate stand, pots, lamp stands, shovels, golden tables, etc., etc. All of these necessary articles invited me to think about the elaborate nature of Israelite worship. Offerings offered in precise ways. Animals slaughtered, sometimes cooked, sometimes burned, depending upon the type of offering.

Priests were the keepers of the rules and the only ones authorized to make the offerings…

My, how the access to God was controlled. Then again, at least these rules provided access to God…

Musing about Old Testament worship, I found myself so appreciating the unlimited access I and all Christ-followers have with the Lord. God is always there when I call, always available and never busy. I don’t need an involved set of rituals or the sacrifice of animals. All I need to do is call out to Him and God bends an ear to me and my needs, cries or praises. God is always there. Always.

Lord God, thank You for always being available… for welcoming me, inviting me and always being present to me when I call. Thank You, Lord. Thank You. Amen.


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