Thursday, October 25 Acts 23 - What are you willing to sacrifice?.

After I read this chapter, I sat back asking God, “What nugget do You have for me today?”

The chapter didn’t have any immediately discernable spiritual truth for me on first reading.

I scanned the pages again hoping a particular verse would pop out.  I looked at the section headings and reviewed the content. I gave some thought to Jesus’ Words of verse 11, which are in red on my page…

I wondered my nugget question again in my head.

Then my title question began to form, “What, Bill, are you willing to sacrifice for Me?”

Paul sat in prison falsely accused and God says that he would go to Rome in chains. I sit in my kitchen with plenty of life’s necessities.

Would I be willing to sacrifice all my comforts and pleasures for the sake of the Gospel and my Savior Jesus? Would I?

Taken seriously, this is no easy question…

What would I sacrifice for Jesus?... What would you be willing to sacrifice for Jesus?

Think about that for a while…

Oh God, help me not run from this question. Amen.


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