Wednesday, March 6: Exodus 6- A hole in my walk.

How often our personal circumstances impact if and how well we hear the Lord when He speaks with us.

This thought came alive to me this morning as I read verse 9, Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage.

Moses had just finished reporting all that God was going to do for the Israelites but they couldn’t (or was it ‘didn’t’) hear because of their discouragement and cruel bondage.

When I am sick, when I am angry, when I am whinny, when I am… I often do suck into myself, and in those moments of self-absorption, I do not hear the Lord’s voice well.

God is exposing a weakness in my walk with Him. What can I do about this, Lord?

A quiet voice seemed to whisper, “First, pay attention to your internal self. Learn to notice when you ‘suck into yourself.’ Note any attitude indicators that surface when you are in this place.”

“Second, be especially vigilant when you are in that place to listen for My voice because I do speak during those times…”

As I pondered things this morning, I realized that I have to fill this hole in my walk with the Lord and I am sure there is more for me to learn…

Lord God, continue to lead me to deeper and deeper faithfulness. Show me how to fill my faith gaps. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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