Monday, February 17: Judges 17- Without the Word.

It is amazing how messed up, confused and off base we can become. It appears that the people in this story think that they are living faithfully to the Lord and yet, from the start, they are dishonoring God and His Word.

It opens with thievery. Then the one redeeming moment occurs when the son admits he is the thief. From this moment forward sin begets sin begets sin…

The mother begins the sin-downfall when she dedicates the returned money to the Lord to make an idol (3). Yes, that summary is correct. Israel was forbidden to make graven images and to have other gods, but somehow mom does it anyway. Micah compounds the sin by adding the ephod to a shrine he has and then installs a son as priest. Only Aaron’s descendants were priests and they were to minister only before the Lord’s tabernacle.

Then a Levite, who should have known better, happens by and becomes a priest for hire by this man.

Verse 6 sums of this chapter and the state of Israel at the time,  In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.

No one followed the Word. No one obeyed God’s Word. Everyone did as he or she saw fit. This is what happens when people forget about God’s Word. And it can happen today just as easily as back then.

My only guard is to keep my nose in God’s Word regularly. Like food I eat or air I breathe, God’s Word must be a constant source of inspiration and information for me.

The same is true for every believer individually and as importantly for the church (Capital ‘C’ and lower case ‘c’ church) as well.

Today I rededicate myself to reading and studying God’s Word… will you?

Lord, teach me Your Word, that I might not sin against You as these Israelites did. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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