Wednesday, February 12: Judges 13- God is at work.

Sampson is probably the most famous and well known of all Israelite Judges. Today’s chapter only sets up the story of Sampson.  No heroics happen yet.

As I sat before the text, the Spirit drew me to God’s incredible planning and orchestrating of His eventual deliverance.

Israel is again faithless, a common thread throughout Judges. But this time, instead of God immediately raising up a judge to save them, we read about the Lord blessing a barren couple and how their child will bring deliverance.

The amount of time struck me. Deliverance was maybe 20 years away, when the not-yet-born child becomes a man. All the while God is at work. If we didn’t have this story we might think God was distant and aloof from Israel’s pain. But God isn’t. God is at work orchestrating His next deliverance.

I remained with this aspect of the account and meditated here.

The more I pondered this, the more I realized this is a common theme in the scriptures. It started with Adam and Eve. After their sin God judges them but says that He will raise up their seed to strike the serpent. Then there is Abraham who is childless when God promises to make him the Father of many nations.

Over and over we see that God is at work, sometimes for years, orchestrating His deliverance.

The ultimate example is Jesus, the “seed” of Adam, who in God’s time was incarnated and lived among us for a while bring the Father’s redemption to all human kind. Jesus has come, yet we wait for Jesus’ second coming. And as we wait, God is at work redeeming men and women from every tribe and language and nation and tongue.

God’s plan is unfolding and we have an opportunity to be part of it….

Pray for the fulfillment of the Great commission.

Work for the fulfillment of the Great commission.

Give toward the fulfillment of the Great commission…

Disciples from every nation and tongue singing the praises of our God!

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Your plan is unfolding. Here I am. Use me to make it reality. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.



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