Thursday, February 6: Judges 8- The lure of money and other stuff.

Gideon wins a great victory, but his legacy is tarnished by his post victory actions. He rejects power and prestige of lifetime and generational leadership, but the lure of riches get him. As the chapter winds down we read, The weight of the gold rings he asked for came to seventeen hundred shekels…. Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family (26-27).

Gideon’s snare was to make an ephod and, apparently, worship it, which all Israel joined him in doing. How sad.

God had made Gideon’s victories perfectly obvious.  It was not Gideon but God who won the day. And yet, Gideon and Israel had the audacity to turn the truth on its head and create an idol.

We humans seem to be able to do that, to make idols (things we trust and revere for future safety) out of anything. Riches, fame and power are easy examples. But we can make idols out of family, particular locations, relationships, heirlooms… the list goes on.

Gideon’s story showed me that victory and faithfulness can be fleeting, if I am not diligent to keep close to the Lord. It also showed me that I best not take the glory for myself that is due only to the Lord.

Today’s reading is a warning to me… to us.

Lord, I don’t want this story to create undo insecurity within me, regarding my faith. And yet, it is a warning. A warning to be careful to keep You central and the object of my worship and praise. Oh, God, when I allow other things to gain my allegiance I can and likely will be in spiritual trouble.

I am reminded of Your command to love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. May that be my heart’s desire. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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