Tuesday, February 4: Judges 6- Are we talking ourselves out of doing the things of God?.

Fearful, afraid, timid, unsure of himself and possibly even of God (or at least hearing God), these are all characteristics we see in Gideon. Gideon, the man God has called to save Israel.

It is so easy for us to make excuses. God can’t possibly be calling me. Gideon is doing it. Barak (chapter 4) did it. Moses did it. The list of undeserving and afraid servants of the most high is long.

The whisper of the Spirit came, “Am I doing it?” I chewed on this question and others like tumbled out.

“Am I avoiding things God would have me do because of __________ (I filled in the blank with all kinds of thoughts… because of fear, supposed lack of skills, people won’t understand. The list multiplied).

“Am I avoiding things God would have me do because, honestly, I don’t want to be bothered or it will interfere with life as I know it?” Jonah came to mind.

The questions I have been asking myself might be worth readers of this blog asking themselves. Are you, for any reason, avoiding doing the things God is calling you to do? Think about it. Pray about it. Search yourselves.

Lord, I give you permission to look inside and search me, see if there is any avoidance in me. Expose it, Lord, that I may come to grips with it and so grow in faithfulness to You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. 


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