Wednesday, December 3: Psalm 2- Ask for the nations.

Verses 8 & 11, grabbed hold of me as I read & prayed this Psalm this morning. Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. … Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.

Recently I attended a 3-day workshop on prayer1. It was an incredibly powerful and encouraging workshop where we talked, learned and practiced intercession among other aspects of prayer.

God longs for His name to be broadcast and worshipped all over the earth and this connected in my heart with verse 8. Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. God wants us to pray for the advancement of His name to all nations, to the ends of the earth. At the workshop during times of intercession we prayed for the advance of God’s kingdom around the globe. It is incredible that God invites, even commands, us to join Him in spreading His fame and name around this globe! Ask me, says the Lord.

Lord, may we follow, call, and pray for the nations…

We pray what we believe and then, as verse 11 reminds us, we live what we believe. Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.

Lord, make me a praying and a serving son. Lord, make me a praying and serving disciple. Lord, make me a praying and serving person. All for your honor and glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


1The conference/workshop I attended was sponsored by PRMI (Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International, They have a series of 6 workshops on various aspects of the person and work of the Holy Spirit and this, the 3rd workshop, was on prayer. It was a powerful time of learning about and practicing prayer. I am so thankful that I attended. What a blessing it will be in my life.


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