Having spent 3 weeks in two African contexts this summer, I notice that men in these cultures are quicker to resort to shouting and even hitting than men in my culture.
If someone feels as if they have been slighted or dishonored, anger erupts. Standing for and fighting for one’s honor is a living reality. I wonder if this African tribal culture is closer to that of the ancient Israelites. I wonder this because of the comments today about striking and hitting other people addressed by God through Moses. The issue of intentionality is specifically emphasized in vv. 20-22. It is as if these words speak directly to the African culture that I have seen…
Although the connection is somewhat less to my culture, what I noticed is how God protects the innocent. The concept of the cities of refuge is a gift to people who, without malice, accidently kill someone else. Without these cities, the person who kills without malice and/or by accident, would be at the mercy of the avenger of blood. And in a culture governed by ‘eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth’ mercy is non-existent.
God displays His heart of mercy by establishing these cities. Justice is maintained, the guilty person cannot hide out in a city of refuge, but the innocent can. And for those difficult cases, the city of refuge gives due process where the accused and avenger of blood plead their case to the elders who determine the truth and make their judgment.
I found myself contemplating God’s mercy… so rich and so free. Yet mercy is balanced by justice, which God will administer with perfect integrity!
Thanks be to God. Thanks be to You, Oh God. You sent Jesus to apply Your mercy while also fulfilling Your perfect justice.
I thank You, God, that Jesus found me and saved me and gave His righteousness to me while taking my guilt and sin. Mercy… MERCY! Amen.
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