Saturday, August 17: Numbers 18– I have things to do…

The Levites would not be given any land as an inheritance. The Lord was their inheritance and service in the sanctuary was their inheritance. But sanctuary service will not fill one’s belly or feed one’s family. How will the Levites survive?
God has everything under control. This is my first meditative moment. When I am worrying how things will work out, I need to remember that God has things under control. This doesn’t absolve me from responsibility. But God is never surprised, and if we follow God’s order of things, He has the bases covered.
The Levites lived off the tithes of the people. Whatever was not consumed in the fire was for the Levites. The offerings of the people provided for the Levite families whom God chose to minister in the Tabernacle. God’s plan takes care of everyone! Even the Levites were to tithe on what they received which was given to the priests, descendants of Aaron.
Those who received the tithe, gave a tithe. I sat and chewed on this one for a while.
God’s ways work when everyone fulfills their role. If the people don’t tithe, the Levites can’t survive. If the Levites don’t tithe then the priests won’t survive. Everyone needs to play his or her part for the plan of God to run correctly.
I heard God saying, “Bill, I need you to play your part for My plan to work smoothly.” As I pondered this, I thought‘WOW’!  
·         I need to give my tithe to the church so the church of God can do all God wants it to do.
·         I need to serve the body by using the gifts God has given me so that the body functions smoothly and there are no gaps because of my laziness.
·         I need to be making disciples because God calls all of us to be disciple-makers…
And so my meditations went as I pondered the various parts God has for me to play in His world!
Lord, today’s Word gives me new eyes to see Your will. I am so blessed to be part of Your plan and will. Help me, Lord, give me strength and passion to do the things You have for me to do! Holy Spirit work on my attitude so that I do Your bidding with a smiling face, no matter how difficult the task or calling may be.
Thank You, Lord God, for inviting me to be part of Your extraordinary plan. I pray this through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.

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