As I allow the word ‘fragrance’ dance in my thoughts, smells and fragrances from my life pop like popcorn.
· Fresh stew simmering or bread baking in the kitchen,
· roses given to my wife,
· the stench of sewage (I once had an incident allowing sewage to back up into the basement of my house. Yuck!),
· walnut wood being worked in my shop,
· my gym locker room
· an ocean breeze
Smell, scientists say, is the fastest sense to retrieve memories from the brain. And it is interesting how some smells have a universal response. But for other fragrances the smell is personal and individual.
Paul writes that we are to be the fragrance of Christ. But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him (14). For some people we will be a wonderful fragrance for others we will stink. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life (15-16a).
Peoples’ responses to us will be similar to peoples’ responses to Jesus. For some Jesus was hailed Lord and Savior, for others He was a nuisance to be gotten rid of.
The final thoughts now tumbling in my brain ask me if I am living as a fragrance for Jesus. Does my life leave a presence –an aroma of Jesus-likeness– behind?
How people respond is their call.
Am I leaving a Jesus fragrance-trail as I live my life 24-7-365?
Lord, Jesus, tomorrow I get to recharge my spiritual batteries in worship. I pray that the fragrance of our worship is pleasing to You and I pray that my time with Your family will instill in me strength and energy to live another week for You, bringing with me wherever I go, Your Fragrance and Your Love. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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