Tuesday, September 24: 1Corinthians 14- A passion for God's body.

Paul’s passion is for the church, for the body, for the group and he longs for us to understand and live his passion for the church body,

Our individualistic Western mindset has trouble processing Paul’s passion for the body. It shows up again in and throughout chapter 14. Over and over Paul calls the people of the church to live in such a way that the group, the body, is enhanced, not merely the individual…

As he is winding down a section on why prophecy is more important for the body than tongues, Paul writes, Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church (12).

God whispers to me through these Words, “Be eager to build up the church. Be eager to strengthen the body, excel in your care for the body and help the body.”

‘Excel’ is such a great word, but so often we hear it in things like excel in school or sports or your job. Paul longs that we excel in gifts that build up the body.

His focus is body of ‘Christ centered’… not ‘me centered’. And this is my challenge today… it is a challenge of the heart, a challenge of perspective, a challenge of mindset and priority. And I have much maturing to go to approach Paul, and thus God’s passion for the church…

Lord, Your Word today is challenging my ‘take care of me, live for me’ mindset. I am far from Your desire and ideal. Keep working on me. Holy Spirit, infiltrate the darkest, neediest places of my life and change me from the inside out. I need Your help, Oh God… so that my life might emulate You and live for You and Your body, the church. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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