When I was in middle school there was a teacher we all made fun of. His name really helped, too, Mr. Weredy (pronounced Were-dee). Behind his back, when we were talking and making fun of him, we pronounced it ‘weird-ee.’ But what really amped up our ‘behind-the-back fun-making’ was the way he walked. It is hard to describe on paper. He walked kind of like Herman
As middle schoolers we were merciless behind his back… until we learned some of his story.
Turns out Mr. Weredy walked the way he did because he didn’t have any toes. They were amputated because they developed gangrene while on an expedition in northern
When we learned this, it didn’t seem cool to make fun of the man. We also learned about the important part toes play in the human body. He walked the way he did because he didn’t have toes to balance himself.
Who would have thought that our little toes were so important? Apparently even the loss of a couple of toes can cause a problem with balance.
Paul describes each of us as believers as a part of the body and the body is incomplete without each of us. Oh, the church can function if we are not functioning, but it does require compensation by the other parts of the body and the body (church) probably won’t function as God intended but it gets by.
God’s Word to me… play my part and fulfill the body function God intends me to play.
Are you playing the part God intends for you? If not, the body is suffering and others are compensating for your lack.
Think about it. I am…
God, You made me with certain gifts and abilities. Help me to use them for the common good and not to bury them like the lazy steward in Jesus’ parable in vvvv.
Lord, I want to hear ‘well done good and faithful steward, enter your master’s happiness’ and that will only happen as I do those things You have me to do for You.
Help me, Holy Spirit. Help me to be faithful to You every day. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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