Friday, October 26: Isaiah 40- All this for me and you.

I sit here awed by the wonder and scope of Isaiah 40. Like a grand holiday meal, there is far more in this chapter than I can possibly ingest in a single sitting. Where should I linger? What portion should I savor? I sit and am still...

I sense the chapter opening drawing me back. Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD's hand double for all her sins (1-2).

I substitute my name for Jerusalem and personalize these verses: Comfort, comfort, my son, says your God. Speak tenderly to Bill, and proclaim to him that his hard service has been completed, that his sin has been paid for, and that he has received, from the LORD's hand, double for all his sins.

Jesus has done all this for me. On the cross Jesus paid the price of my sins and then some. He offered far more than I could ever have paid. Honestly, how can you put a value on the life of God's one and only Son? If ever there truly was a priceless gift or item, it would be the gift of Jesus' life for my sins, for your sins, for the sins of the world. No matter the cumulative cost of human sin, the cost of Jesus' life is far greater.

God giving His life for me... that truth still staggers me.

Even as I contemplate the gift of Jesus and try to comprehend this gift of Jesus, I recognize that I am barely scratching the surface of this gift from Jesus. On that day when God says to me directly, "Your hard service has been paid for and your sins forgiven... come and enter My happiness" I will know even more fully the extent of Jesus' gift.

Oh, to sit and delight in God –Father, Jesus, Spirit. What a gift this morning with the Lord has been.

Oh, Jesus, thank You. Oh, Father, thank You. Oh, Holy Spirit, thank You. You are my light and salvation. I praise You and bless You for the comfort You give now and always... Through Jesus Christ, my Savior, I pray. Amen.


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