Friday, January 29 Joshua 23: Hold fast to the Lord.

Joshua has run his race, he has finished his course. Nearing his earthly end Joshua assembles Israel for a last word. Four keys ring from Joshua’s voice. First, the Lord has been faithful, everything He promised He did. Second, hold fast to the Lord. Three, temptations from the people still in the land will come, don’t succumb. And four, there is land still to be taken and work still to be done.

Even though these words are thousands of years old, they are just as true today for my life.

God is faithful. There has never been a promise from His word that has not proven true. As I wrote these last words I paused, a smile cracked my lips and my head gently bowed, the Lord is and always has been absolutely faithful…

I have to stick close to the Lord. When I drift I get into problems. When I stick close, when I hold fast, God is there. Now God being there and God being faithful can’t be confused with the fact that everything will go smoothly and wonderfully in life. I sit in a garage waiting for a vehicle to be repaired. A trip discombobulated by this hiccup.

I have to be diligent and careful. Temptations abound and there remains unredeemed parts of my life that have to be conquered in the power of the Lord, not in my own strength, that’s for sure.

As long as I live there will be work for the Lord to do, in my life and in my world.

Lord, hearing Joshua give a final charge to Israel, I pray that when life is drawing to a close I will have the life-legacy to give similar words to my family and those close to me. Lord, a final word like this cannot be given from someone who has lived a ‘double-life,’ it only have impact if it comes from a person of integrity. Jesus, give me Your strength and the Spirit to be a man of integrity all the days of my life… amen.


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