Joshua 4 Remembering.


Bracketing the account of crossing the Jordan River is a story that recounts the taking of 12 stones from the dry riverbed and building an altar with them in Gilgal, where Israel camped after crossing the Jordan. There is subtle symbolism in the story; 12 stones, chosen and carried by a leader from each of the 12 tribes. From the outset, this altar was designed to spark the corporate memory of the entire nations. Joshua even provides a bit of a script, verse 21: Joshua said to the Israelites, "In the future when your descendants ask their fathers, 'What do these stones mean?' Tell them about this miracle, continues Joshua.

Remembering and passing along the wonderful things God has done is a key component in building a strong faith-life. We humans often have short memories, especially when it comes to the blessings of God. Joshua models remembering for us. He creates something tangible that will raise questions, which opens the door to retelling and retelling the story of God’s wonder and awe.

·       Some people give Bibles, inscribed with a person’s new birth date on the title page… a physical remembering.

·       Our church has a book in which people can write the story of God’s intervention in their lives. Not long ago Susan and I put in the story of our son’s healing from a tragic fall last summer… another tangible remembering.

Like the Passover celebration, which is designed to peak the curiosity of youngsters, and give adults the perfect opportunity to tell the story of God’s goodness and salvation, the altar raises questions which invites older generations to tell younger ones what God has done… remembering, passing along the stories of God’s touch in our lives.

Lord, help me to be better at remembering and retelling the wonders of Your works in my life. Lord, it is good for my soul and it is a natural way I can tell and retell Your stories and the things You have done to those who come after me…

Jesus, Your story never grows old, it is never ‘out of date’ or old fashioned. Help me to tell and relive the ways You have touched my life for as long as I live… amen.


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