Wednesday, January 27 Joshua 21: Who receives the credit?.

Wednesday, January 27 Joshua 21: Who receives the credit?…

With the allotting of the inheritance to Levi, God strikes the final note of His orchestration giving Israel the Promised Land. Each tribe has its’ inheritance, each tribe its’ home. The writer of this book concludes chapter 21 with final reflections: So the LORD gave Israel all the land he had sworn to give their forefathers, and they took possession of it and settled there. The LORD gave them rest on every side, just as he had sworn to their forefathers. Not one of their enemies withstood them; the LORD handed all their enemies over to them. Not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. (43-45)

Reading these sentences, I noticed the LORD’s prominence. The LORD is the subject of each sentence. The LORD gave land and rest. The LORD handed over enemies and made good on all His promises. Stepping back and chronicling the days of Joshua, the writer recognized God’s hand in everything… every victory, every success, every advance.

Even though the book bears Joshua’s name, the author made sure God received the credit and the glory. Joshua may have been the general in charge but God was the supreme commander and LORD. The victories and land were understood as gifts from God.

My thoughts slide to my life. When all is said and done, who will get the credit and the glory for any good that I accomplished? It seems Joshua made sure that God got the credit. Will I do the same? That question is where the Lord is pricking my heart today. Who receives the credit? Who receives the glory? Does my life sing of God or of me?

Lord, this thought is challenging but it is safest when I keep it theoretical. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how do I live it out practically. In other words, Jesus, Father, Spirit, how do I live so that You receive the credit and honor for the things You have graced me to do with my life? And Lord, how do I do this in a natural and real manner?

So, Lord I have two prayer needs. First please build into my life the honest desire to give You all the glory, to be a Joshua! Then Lord, give me strategies and mannerisms that humbly point people to You as my source, my strength, my center, my Lord & God. In Jesus name I pray… AMEN.


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