Joshua 3 What a day!


As I read, I tried to imagine what it would have been like to be there to watch the water stop flowing. Honestly, it is beyond my abilities. I have never seen a miracle that compares with this one.

One feature of the story that is powerful for me is that Joshua told the people it would happen before it happened. Now that is a sure sign that God is at work.

This story and others like it are so good for my faith. They remind me that the God I follow and serve is not divorced from this world. It reminds me that He can and does enter this world. He even suspends physical laws, sometimes, for the sake of His people when He deems it important, necessary, or wants an occasion to display His grace and mercy. And even though I haven’t seen miracles like this, friends from around the world have. The Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is an awesome God to follow and serve.

God, thank You for willingly entering into the world, our world, my world, with Your grace, mercy, power and miracles. Who else is like You? To whom else could I turn? Thank You for this demonstration of Your power. I submit and surrender to You. Lead me, Jesus, as You led Joshua and Your Old Testament people… Amen.


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