Tuesday, August 10: 1Kings 12- Worldly wise but Godly poor

A sad day for Israel comes when God rips the nation apart as a judgment for the sins of Solomon (11:11-12). Jeroboam, one of Solomon’s advisors, became king of the 10 northern tribes as prophesied in Chapter 11.

Jeroboam, after assuming the kingdom, had a choice to follow the Lord or to depart from the Lord. Sadly, he chose the latter, choosing worldly wisdom over faithfulness to Almighty God.

Jeroboam realized that religious festivals (like Passover), which require people to travel to Jerusalem, might draw people back to the King of Judah, so he made a decision.  He created his own parallel worship system… with his own priests, altars, feasts, plus his own god, 2 golden calves. Unfortunately, in doing that, he totally abandoned the Lord and established false gods in the place of the Lord… an act of ultimate idolatry. And Israel, the northern Kingdom, lived in rebellion from the Lord from that day forward.

As I contemplated this, I thought there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death (Pr 14:12)… sometimes we can make the expedient and even wise decision (wise in the world’s eyes, that is) but if it is not faithful to the Lord then it is the wrong decision. God seemed to be reminding me that faithfulness to the Lord is always right.  The best of man’s wisdom can be wrong!

Lord, I ask You to help me be true to You. Help me to make my decisions based on faithfulness and fidelity to Your word, Your character and Your Son, as I seek to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Lord, help me to know when to ask for Your wisdom (James 1) and then to follow as You lead. Jesus, I pray this in Your name… Amen.



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