Friday, January 13: Jeremiah 15- A conversation with God.

Reading this chapter, it became clear that Jeremiah and the Lord were having a conversation about Jeremiah’s situation and the people to which he was called. Jeremiah complained, God listened and answered, Jeremiah responds, and then so does God.

It struck me… Jeremiah and God were having a conversation… People in the church talk about having a relationship with God and here we see evidence of one. The Almighty didn’t dispense with Jeremiah because he was merely a creature or because he complained about what God was doing to him. No, the Lord engaged Jeremiah. They dialogued.

Too often we think we have to be perfect before God.  However, Jeremiah complained and he whined. I hate it when my kids whine.  There is no sense in the text that God ‘approved’ of it. God eventually called Jeremiah to repent. But God didn’t dismiss Jeremiah because he spiraled into self pity either. God allowed Jeremiah to speak his peace as he could. God received it and dialoged with Jeremiah, eventually calling Jeremiah to his senses. So God didn’t approve but God allowed Jeremiah to work it through and God never stopped loving him in the process. That’s RELATIONSHIP!

I realized as I thought this through that the Lord offers the same to you and me. He offers us a relationship. We don’t have to be perfect (we can’t and won’t be!). God simply invites me to be real and honest. God can handle my foolishness and my sinfulness and my whininess and selfishness. As I am honest with God about the things in my life, God can move me –through love- to better places, more faith-filled places in my life.

Wow, that’s wonderful! God loves me and accepts me for who I am…

That’s a muse to ponder more throughout today.

Thank You, Lord God Almighty, for inviting me into a RELATIONSHIP with You. Thank you for inviting me to be real in that relationship. I don’t have to be a plastic “Christian” who lives as if I deny feelings and emotions as I live with You. No, You invite me to be honest. Thank You!

(Take some time to be honed with God right now…)

I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen


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