Thursday, January 19: Jeremiah 20- Ticked at God.

Interesting, interesting thought I. “This is God’s Word?” came a second thought. Much of this chapter is a complaint, a whine from Jeremiah, against the Lord. Why?  Because what God has compelled him to do has brought hardship and insult. Whenever I speak, I cry out proclaiming violence and destruction. So the word of the LORD has brought me insult and reproach all day long (8).

When it comes to ministry callings Jeremiah drew the short end of the stick. And the pain and hardship that he is encountering as he lives faithfully and discharges the duties God has laid upon him have him at a breaking point. And so he wails, and cries out against the Lord… O LORD, you deceived me, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me (7).

I find it intriguing that Jeremiah vents, and yet this time God does not respond. God remains quiet. I peeked at the next chapter; Jeremiah is back living faithfully….

Hmm, thoughts and emotions swirl. Some of my observations and thoughts:

1- Sometimes the call and life God has for us is filled with pain and hardship. Just because we are living in the center of God’s will does not mean life will be swell. This is a difficult concept for me and many Americans who are surrounded by and strive for prosperity…

2- I am reminded that the potter chooses the use and function of the clay pot… not the clay itself.

3- Venting to/at God is apparently okay when done appropriately. Jeremiah does not vent publically. He didn’t bring reproach on God’s name. But in his ‘bedroom’ he cried out honestly. Jeremiah is not hiding from God.  He is honest and real with the Lord.

4- God listened but didn’t respond. Sometimes no response is necessary. One thing my wife has taught me is that many times what she needs is a listening ear, not a response or my attempts to help. Just listen sincerely. God apparently did that…

Lord Jeremiah’s difficulties and pain are rich in meaning for me today. Thank You, Lord, for including Jeremiah’s complaint in Your Word. As for Your Word, it is powerful and helpful. Bless You, Lord God, for Your Word. Amen.


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