Saturday, December 31: Jeremiah 4- A sad day.

This is a sobering chapter to read to close out 2011. It is a word about impending judgment. Judah’s life of sin and rebellion against the Lord is coming due. The prospects are not good, and yet God holds out one last call to repentance. One final opportunity to return to the Lord before the fury of the Lord is turned loose.

Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, circumcise your hearts, you men of Judah and people of Jerusalem, or my wrath will break out and burn like fire because of the evil you have done-- burn with no one to quench it (4).

There is an honesty and soberness in these words that are not pleasant but are true. As I face the closing of 2011 and stand at the dawn of 2012, my sense is that this same type of soberness and honesty is a smart posture for me to take as I look over my life.  I need to take a few minutes today and tomorrow to examine my life lived and my trajectory moving forward.

I don’t think I am in the desperate ‘last chance’ position that Judah is in… and yet I must be vigilant to keep my life headed toward God. It is all too easy to veer off to the right or left. Judah at one point was walking with the Lord and then she veered away from God. She dabbled here and there with foreign gods. Today’s final call comes because she refused to humble herself earlier.

Spending some time in sober, honest evaluation of last year and the spiritual trajectory of my life as I head into 2012….. will God’s grace allow me to avoid Judah’s fate?

Time for me to pray and talk with the Lord…

Father, Son and Holy Spirit… how am I doing? Please show me my areas of weakness and sin that I may correct my ways and run after You.

Father, son and Holy Spirit, show me the ways I have grown, that I may rejoice as a disciple who is learning and maturing as I follow my rabbi.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as I look to 2012, I offer that year to You. Lead me and guide me where You will.  Use me to proclaim the name of Jesus near and far. I pray that my life will point people to You and will bring honor and glory to Your name.  That Your kingdom will increase through my labors as I follow Your will and way in 2011. In Jesus’ name and through the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray. Amen.



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