Monday, October 14: 1Thessalonians 2- The word of God from God.

For me, truths of God spoken subtlety often are the most powerful. There are many arguments in Scripture for it being from God not merely words of men. This morning verse 13 provided one of those subtle yet powerful reminders. And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.

Notice the bolded words.

Paul believed and the Thessalonians believed that the Word of God was actually words from God.

There are days that pop up in my life when I wonder if the Bible is really true. Is this faith in Jesus really true, or am I nuts to believe it? These thoughts don’t generally last long, but they do occur. And when they do, verses like verse 13 fill my mind and heart and soul reminding me that I am not the first to believe nor will I be the last. With faith comes the wonder of God working in me. And one of those works of God in me is giving me the faith to believe that the Word of God is truly and honestly Words of God from God!

Faith rejuvenated, my walk with the Lord deepens!

Lord God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank You for making Your Word known to me, us. Thank You for sharing actual words, teachings, thoughts with me, us.

Yes, I believe… in You and in Your Word as truth, as life, as the way to life eternal here and life immortal with You in eternity.

May the wonder of Your Word continue to breath life in me so that I may be able to give Your life away to others. I pray this through Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord. Amen.


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