Monday, May 20: James 2– Favoritism and Faith …

Two topics…both pierced my heart. I choose to sit under the topic of favoritism this morning.
Ouch, how often favoritism grabs me. Appearance, educations, career, profession, height, weight, accent, grammar… it is frightening how many ways I use to choose who I am drawn to and who not.
How many times have I heard within the church walls, if we can reach ‘these’ people, it will be good for finances? And the ‘these people’ are generally higher up the economic ladder and/or they look like us. It is frightening to me how easily we fall into favoritism.  How easily I fall into favoritism!
Lord, I sit here convicted. Convicted by James’ simple yet powerful words. Oh, my how much I need a Savior!
Come, Lord Jesus, heal my broken and sin-filled heart. Amen.

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