Wednesday, May 22: James 4– A good look inside…

What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? (1). Plain truth but a hard one.
Quarrels, fighting, ‘words’ with another, yes, they happen. Often, possibly always, I feel justified in my words, whether they are a defense against a perceived attack or my words initiate the conflict.
James makes a poignant observation. Don't they [the quarrels I have and therefore the words I use to contest my quarrels] come from your desires that battle within you? Ouch, the quarrels and fights I find myself in come from within me! They come from the mixed motives and imperfect desires within me!
The more I ponder this, the more validity I see and hear in it. My mixed motives and desires cause me to defend myself. What happens? Quarrels ensue. I feel slighted by someone else’s action or word and I lash out.  Quarrels ensue…
But I am only defending myself, I immediately think. Then again wasn’t it Jesus who said, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also (Matthew 5:39).  I assume I am justified in defending myself, but does Jesus???
All of this drives me to look inside… at myself and my mixed motives.
All of this causes me to realize how sin-filled I am. And how short I fall of God’s mark.
All of this reminds me how much I need a Savior…
Jesus, thank You for teaching me God’s way. Thank You for living it and showing me an example of how God’s ways look in human life. Jesus, thank You for dying for me, for forgiving my sin and for redeeming me. Thank You, Jesus.

Now that Your Word has shown me a problem in my life, help me, Lord, to correct it. Send forth Your Holy Spirit to instruct me and train me in living rightly. This I pray in Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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