Saturday, January 15: Acts 16- Dedication to the cause.


This chapter is filled with amazing incidents… dreams directing decisions and earthquakes freeing prisoners. What amazing days those must have been. And yet what attracted my attention and thought this morning was the depth of dedication of those who carried the message of Jesus. Paul is like a Bible superhero.  It is not easy for me to relate to him. His dedication to Jesus seems to be on a different level than mine. The people who spurred me on toward deeper faith and dedication, as I read today, were the other lesser known people who pop up in today’s reading.

Timothy, a young man of good repute, was invited by Paul to travel as Paul’s aide on one condition... surgery. Understanding the prevailing culture of the day and Timothy’s mixed heritage, Paul knew if Timothy remained uncircumcised that many doors to the gospel would be closed. Timothy agreed. Now I have been on mission trips which required various vaccinations, but I have never been asked to have elective surgery! The surgery in question isn’t life threatening but it is painful for a week or so and Timothy said, “Yes”… dedication to the cause!

Let me present it another way. I have met many Fulani in Africa and most have various facial markings, small yet noticeable patterned-cuts on their cheeks and face that distinguish their tribe. Would I have my face marked for the sake of the gospel if a Fulani missionary asked me to travel with and help him?  (FYI, this is a totally hypothetical question, used only to make the point). I don’t know?!?

Then there is the example of Silas, another traveling companion and aide to Paul. Silas accompanied Paul on the evangelistic mission to Philippi. The trip began well but turned unexpectedly mid-trip resulting in imprisonment and a Roman flogging. We have no idea what Silas’ role was on the trip.  For all we know, Silas was Paul’s porter, carrying bags or running errands. The text is silent regarding Silas’ role. What we do know is Paul’s exploits landed Silas in prison where he was beaten severely… dedication to the cause! It is clear Silas was not traveling grudgingly, nor was he at odds with Paul for getting him in all this trouble. Instead, in the middle of the night of their imprisonment while still nursing wounds from their beatings, Paul and Silas are singing hymns and praying.  That’s the level of dedication this young man showed!

I was reduced to prayer after pondering this and all I could honestly muster was this simple prayer…

Lord, groom in me dedication for You that I see in Timothy and Silas.  For the sake of kingdom advancement, I pray. Amen.


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