Tuesday, January 18: Acts 18- Home base

I sat for a while pondering this chapter.  Nothing in particular connected with me. I surveyed the chapter again. I tried to imagine meeting some of the new cast of characters… Aquila, Pricilla and Apollos. I wondered about some of the converts listed.  What was it like for Crispus and his family? As synagogue ruler turned Christian, was he ostracized from his friends at the synagogue? I just wondered….

Nothing really stuck to my heart. I sat quietly with my Lord, silently praising Him and thanking Him for who He is.

Glancing back at the text, I landed upon verse 23, which mentions that Paul spent time in Antioch before setting out on another journey. This tiny inkling, a small spark glowed… home base! Paul spent time at home. Antioch was the church that initially sent Paul out. Antioch was Paul’s his home base, his anchor, his church. I thought about missionaries I know, called to live for a while in a foreign land.  Most I have met have a sending church, a home church, a church family with whom they have a special bond. Antioch was Paul’s.

I switched focus to my life.  Since my earliest days as a Christ-follower, my local church has always been my home base.  It’s a place where I seek to let my gifts flourish, where I make friends who can encourage me and walk with me on my daily Christ journey. Home base – an anchor, a place of belonging - my church.

I hope you have a home base like this. If you don’t, find one, invest in it. Don’t stay on the periphery, instead watch what God will do as you plug in and invest in your church.

Lord, thank You for my church family… a sweet gift from You. Amen.


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