Monday, August 29: Isaiah 4- Grace.

Isaiah 4 has one of those odd chapter breaks.  Verse 1 continues the judgment image of the day of the Lord from Chapter 3. Then verse 2-6 paints the counter picture, God’s blessing on the faithful.

God’s blessings are spoken in language that Israel would immediately understand. God promised to provide them a land and to take care of it… so the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel (2). This is a picture of God’s food and provision.

Verse 3 describes a people picked up and made new, given a new hope and future even as they are given a new identity.

Verse 4 speaks of cleansing, likely from sin and violence.

Verse 5 is reminiscent of God care of Israel when they were fleeing the Egyptians under Moses - the LORD will create over all of Mount Zion … a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over all the glory will be a canopy. This speaks of God’s protection, safety and presence.

Verse 6 seems straightforward. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain. Shelter and protection.

I pondered all these images. For God’s people, the day of the Lord will offer provision, a new hope, an identity and cleansing from the past along with protection and shelter moving forward. This is what God offers to those who remain faithful to Him.

I spent the remainder of my time pondering these promises of God and asking myself what I did to deserve all this.

And my only answer could be, I didn’t deserve a thing, it is all by God’s grace.

Thank You, Lord, for Your promises, Your provision, Your care, Your shelter amidst the storm… Thank You, Lord, for You. Amen.


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