Wednesday, August 10: Proverbs 19- Unbridled Zeal

A gem glistened in verse 2: It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way. Zeal without knowledge is a disaster waiting to happen. People who push ahead without thinking things through make mistakes that can be costly.

In woodworking there is a motto: measure twice, cut once. The Proverb is not a call to inaction, anything but. It invites people to use their head, before they set out. Another translation put it like so: Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good. If you act too quickly, you might make a mistake.

Now the Spirit’s nudge.  How might this gem be applied in my (your) life today?

Lord, it is easy to read a Proverb and move on in life as usual. Help me digest this Word that my life might be the wiser and better for it. Amen.


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