Saturday, March 29: Luke 7- All eyes on him.

Chapter 7 opens with 2 miraculous healings. The second one is the only one I can think of where Jesus initiates the miracle without being asked by someone for it.

It is, however, the first healing that captivated by thoughts and meditations.

First, the father sends town elders to petition Jesus for his son’s healing in public. This father doesn’t send a servant; he has the clout to send town elders. To add more pressure on Jesus to perform when the elders arrive, the text says they plead earnestly saying, "This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue" (4-5). Talk about pressure to perform!

Before Jesus even gets to the house of the dying boy, a servant of the centurion-father arrives saying, ‘Just say a word and the boy will be healed. My master doesn’t deserve to have You under his roof and he understands authority. Just command and the boy will be healed.’

The boy is healed…

The pressure on Jesus, everyone was watching him. And if he didn’t heal the boy, people would have abandoned following Jesus in droves. But Jesus wasn’t fazed. He knew whoHe was and why He had come. He knew the Father’s voice, too. And this was a moment to confirm He was Who He claimed to be!

I find myself falling before Jesus. Amazed, yet again, at my Savior, the God-man; the perfect Spirit empowered One…

I worship You, Jesus, and I seek to emulate You… to grow so in tune with the Holy Spirit You have sent to be in me as a follower of You. That I, too, can do the things You ask of me, so that Your glory is displayed today as it was displayed in Your day. May You gain all glory and honor from anything done faithfully in Your name. Amen.



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