Monday, October 17: Mark 13- Watch.

The teaching of the chapter makes it clear that Jesus will return and gather His elect from every nation (26-27). The end is coming. But when? Only the Father knows.

So what do people do in the interim? Do we stop what we are doing and run to the hills? Do we tremble in fear? What? What is to be the posture of people waiting for Jesus?

The answer comes in verse 37. What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’ ” 

Watch; watch for signs from God that the end is near…

Watch; watch your life so that you are found being active in God’s kingdom business…

Watch; watch your character so that you are growing into Christ likeness…

Don’t check out of life. Don't fear Jesus’ return. Watch, be alert, be attentive to the things of God’s kingdom and watch.

Hmmm… there is a lot in that one simple word, ‘watch’.

Think about it… I know I am.

I pray, Lord, that You find me diligent and living as You would have me live… In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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