Monday, January 1: 1Chronicles 1- People.

Lists of people… people I would never have paid any mind to.

How many people do I see and interact with everyday who I pay no attention to? Hundreds, and probably more every week.

And even though I may give them no never mind, God knows who they are. And God knows where they have been and where they are going. God knows the intimate details of their lives as well as what makes them tick.

God values them. God sent Jesus to die and atone for them. God delights when they join His family. God loves them.

I am wondering why I give some many people little or no attention. I realize I cannot get to know or befriend everyone who crosses my path but those I interact with I can treat with the dignity befitting a person whom God loves.

Every person has value in God’s eyes and I need to learn from the Lord and treat everyone with the dignity that her/his humanity deserves.

As I embark upon this New Year, I am sensing that God is knocking on my heart, reminding me my manner of treating others needs to be improved this year…

Oh, God, I will need Your help. I can be so busy, so self-absorbed in the things I am doing that I look past people You place in my life… some for just a moment or two, others for much more significant amounts of time.  Lord, teach me to value others as You value them. Teach me to love like You love. This is a big prayer, Lord, but it is not too big for You. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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