Monday, March 25: Exodus 22– Laws, laws and more laws…

The Ten Commandments are the foundational laws for all of Israel, but hundreds of additional laws were given, applying and expanding upon those ten.
Today I found myself wondering what life must have been like back then that would require God to provide the laws mentioned today.  So many of laws in today’s chapter touch on stealing and conniving goods or animals from others. It makes me think that life in Egypt and life during that time was highly corrupt with people looking for ways to take advantage of a neighbor. It sounds like people were eager and willing to con a neighbor out of livestock!
Add to that the ‘social responsibility’ laws in verse 16-31. It certainly appears as if life was hard back then. I struggle with verse 19. How perverse were people that God had to put into the law, no sex with animals. I mean really! Was that going on in Israel? Was that the influence of Egypt or was that the kind of influence they would face from the peoples in Canaan? How depraved were people?
Whatever and whoever were the reasons for this law, it paints an ugly picture of the corruption of people then.
Have we really changed that much? A young woman, I know, just left for Asia to work with International Justice Mission working to free children, women and adults from sex slavery and other forms of human trafficking. And lest we think that is an issue over there,I am returning from a conference where I met another twenty-something young woman working in the Hamden, Virginia area with sex and human trafficking victims in that area!
My heart cries, ‘How can this be?’
But no amount of laws can cure the human heart. Laws can restrain the heart but they will never cure the heart of its evil. Only Jesus can give a person a new heart.  Only Jesus can recreate us from the inside out.
Those two women I mentioned above, have been made new by Jesus and now they both work to help others find freedom.  Freedom from the human trafficking they are trapped in and freedom from the pain and emotional scars through faith and healing in Jesus.
If you are a Jesus follower, are you reaching out to others in need?
If you are not a Jesus follower, would you like to find freedom from hurts and scars?  If you want to know more about Jesus, email me. I’d be glad to chat and help you…
Lord, I pray for people who have been scared by the hurt-filled actions of others. Help those who are seeking and hurting find You, Jesus, and find the help and healing that You can bring.
Lord, I pray, too, for the two women I mentioned. Strengthen them to help others. Protect their hearts form growing hard and calloused by the things they will see. And give them resolve to help others in Your name. Amen.

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