Wednesday, June 5: Leviticus 11–Being holy, distinct, different…

I enjoy eating shellfish, lobster and pork. I have eaten rabbit. Each of these are on Israel’s ‘do not eat’ list. I find myself wondering why God put these food restrictions on Israel. Possibly it had something to do with health concerns.  However, these restrictions were in place when Peter had his dream in Acts 10.  From that point on, he learned that all foods were ceremonially clean and allowable to eat…for him and all Christ followers
Again I am left wondering…why the food restrictions for Israel?
As I ponder this more, verse 45 sticks out. This verse seems to be a final stamp or imprimatur on all of the food regulations.  I am the LORD who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.
Possibly the Lord gave Israel these food restrictions to distinguish them from all the surrounding peoples.  God wanted them to be different, separate, distinct from all the other people in the region so that the other people would know who God is. The God who saves and the God who is holy expects His people to be holy as well.
Before I closed the Word this morning, I pondered ways God wants me to be holy, distinct, separate, and different from people who don’t yet know Him as Lord and God.
Lord, help me to do a better job living for You so that my life can show Your greatness and bring You glory. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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