The NIV labels this chapter "Interlude: Where Wisdom is Found." My initial thoughts were about the origin of the words in this chapter. What is their source? Are they God's insertion into the text? How do they fit with the narrative?
I quickly realized my trying to figure this out, thoughts walled off my soul from hearing the text. I became mind-dominant rather than heart-dominant as I read.
I continued to read, interested in where this interlude was leading. It led straight to the culminating and final verse of the chapter.
And he said to the human race, "The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding" (28).
This phrase and similar ones are the bedrock of the Bible's wisdom literature (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes). 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom' is an often repeated refrain of wisdom books.
Here it is the crescendo of this interlude in slightly altered wording, The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding"
So what, I pondered, is the fear of the Lord? There probably is an element of actual fear I mused. God is absolute and could squash us in a nano-second. As I roll this thought around, while it is true, a deepened sense from my reading of Scripture is that quaking fear is not God's intent. Over and over He restrains for the sake of mercy grace and love.
So, fear is much more than quaking in our boots before God. It is also awe, reverence, and a deep respect. Words fail me. 'Awe' is the audible gasp of one who comes into the presence of perfect beauty, love, power and strength...
Living in perpetual awe of the One who created all things, yes, I can see how that is wisdom. Oh, that fear of God like that would guide me every moment, waking and sleeping.
My thoughts roll, a natural outcome of fear/awe would be to shun evil.
This leads me to the second half of the line, which in wisdom literature is often a restating of the first in an alternate manner. Thus to shun evil is understanding. Yes, to fear God would cause me to shun evil as I just noted.
I return to thoughts of being in the presence of perfect beauty, love, power and strength... I feel my heart beating faster. I gather a physical inkling of what it might be like to be in the PRESENCE of God.
I can only enter this place because of Jesus... utter perfection would destroy my sin-filled humanity were it not for Jesus, who beckons me to enter in... to be with my God and enjoy His presence. To enjoy Him...
All I can do, Lord, is praise You and revel in Your gift of presence
I sit still and bask...
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