As Elihu continues, I struggled to find my devotional nugget. I find I have grown weary of all these words. People pouring it on Job trying to get him to admit he is at fault. He is the reason all this bad has befallen him.
People are so caught up in having Job admit he had done something wrong so that the tragedies of his life can be chalked up to God's punishment of wrongdoing.
Is life a scorecard of behavior? If so there is no room for grace or mercy because they would upset the order of things.
Does God speak to us through trials and tragedy, certainly God can and does do this. God speaks in many ways. But to set up some kind of absolute equation seems to disregard many variables of life. Earthquakes, tsunamis and natural disasters signal God's punishment upon everyone affected? Malaria, small pox, Ebola, cholera also signal God's just punishment on all who contract these diseases? When life is good this is a great theology to hold. When life turns sour this theology is a condemning weight for one's shoulders to bear.
So I weary of all this banter back and forth. I long instead for the Savior who says, Come to me all you who labor and are weary, and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me… For my yoke easy and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). I long for the Savior who says, "I died for you. I forgive you. I love you."
My soul longs to drink from the fountain of grace and mercy. I weary from the burden of the need for perfection.
Oh, Jesus, come, breathe life into my soul. Breathe Your life giving Spirit into me that my heart may be raised to You in joy and adoration. In Your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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