Marriage may be the most significant human relational institution, so it really is no surprise that God's Word will have things to say about marriage. Ephesians 5 has deep things to say regarding mutual submission within marriage. Today's reading says much about sex in marriage, singleness, as well as other aspects of marriage and divorce.
In the middle of this chapter Paul makes a powerful statement that I chose to ponder… You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings (23).
You were bought at a price… 'purchased and owned' are two words that come to mind. I am owned. I was purchased. As I thought about that, I mused on the truth that I was purchased by the life of Jesus, the life of God's one and only Son. God gave His life for me. Jesus gave His life for me! This is a staggering thought. I rolled it around in my thoughts.
How highly God thinks of us (of me) that Jesus would die for us (for me). Oh, my…
Building on this amazing truth, Paul reminds us do not become slaves of human beings. Don't trade God's ownership of your life for ownership by some other entity or habit.
Why trade down? Why be owned by anyone else but God who paid such an exurbanite price for your (my) freedom?
I don't normally think of things in these terms, but I am trading down if I allow myself to be subject to anyone else but the Lord. When I do that, I am trading myself from someone who infinitely loves and values me to someone/thing who frankly could care less about me. When I think of it in these terms, all I can say is, "Oh, my… what a fool to trade down."
I return to the wonder of considering how loved and important I am to the Lord… what a wonderful thought to rest in today…
Thank You, Lord God, for Your love, and willingness to buy my freedom at such an exorbitant price. Thank You. I thank You in and through Jesus, my Savior. Amen.
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