Friday, July 9: Galatians 6- Verbs mean action

Typical of Paul, he closes his letter with practical life actions. For Paul, correct thinking and right understanding of God will result in appropriate living. There is really never a divide between our minds and actions. What we believe we will put into action. And so Paul offers some practical prods to get his friends in Galatia and us into appropriate God-honoring action.

Restore gently

Carry each others’ burdens

Test our own actions (hmmm… that’s where God took me yesterday)

Carry your own load

Share with those who instruct you

Do good for all people, especially believers.

Yesterday God had me think about rotten fruit verses good fruit. Today the Lord gives me some specific areas of life to examine, areas I might add, that were not necessarily on my examination list from yesterday

Restore gently: How do I handle situations where I see others who seem/are (things aren’t always as I perceive them) to be walking wrong paths? Do I seek to restore or do I ignore? And if I sense a nudge from God to enter to help, do I do so graciously and gently or like a hammer and judgmentally?

Carry each others burdens… carry my own load: The word for carry is the same in both sentences; the object of what is carried differs. One writer summarizes the differences this way: In 6:2 the word is báros, a burden or difficulty. In 6:5 the word is phortíon, responsibility. In the first case, Christians are being enjoined to help each other bear up under the vicissitudes of life. In the last case, Christians are told that each person must assume responsibility for his particular duties in life; they have no right to shirk their responsibilities or to expect others to perform them. (The Complete Word Study Dictionary – New Testament.). By the way, my most often given away book, ‘Boundaries’, is built on the distinction of these two verses. (Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend is a worthwhile read!)

Test our own actions: Re-read my thoughts from yesterday. Note, we test ourselves not others!

Share with instructors: i.e., take care of those who teach you rightly.

Do good for all people especially believers: Does this really need explaining?

Well, believing this is the word of God. I have to put my belief into to action and live out these verbs today and everyday. That should keep me busy… J.

Lord, I receive this call to action today. I know left to my own, I will revert to selfish living. Help me put Your Word into action in my life today and always… Amen.



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