Monday, July 12: Ephesians 2-Thank you Jesus

This is one of my favorite chapters in the entire Bible. I can read again and again of my rescue by Jesus and God’s subsequent call to go and do the good works God has prepared for me to do. Verses 1-10 feed my soul every time I read, think and meditate on them.

Before opening the Bible today, I purposely asked God let me see/hear something beyond which I always hear when I read this chapter. And God didn’t disappoint.

The blessing of verses 1-10, not withstanding, it was verse 13 that seemed to have a neon sign pointing to it flashing, “Your meditation for today.” Verse 13 says, But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. The imagery of ‘far’ verses ‘near’ arrested my attention.

I used to be far from God and then God brought me near.That thought rings with comfort. No getting around it, distance is an impediment to relationship.  Without contact, relationships grow cold and die. God brought us to be with Him, God did the work, God bridged the distance, God paid our transit… God, God, God… God did it all!

How this filled my soul.

And God did it through (or by) the blood of Christ. Jesus’ death on the cross was the cost of and the means for me to be brought near to God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank You.

And so my meditations spun today, more than I can write; as deep as the oceans, not to be exhausted today or any day is the love of God in Christ Jesus, my Lord.

O, God, thank You so much for bringing me near to You. What a joy it is to live connected to You… near You. I ask that as I go through this particularly busy day, that this thought would carry me and that during other moments of meditation, it would seep deeply into my inner life. Hallelujah, Amen.


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