Wednesday, July 28: 1Kings 1-Do you have people your truly trust?

With the shift back to the OT and the book of 1Kings, we return to reading the history of the people of Israel. The books of 1&2Samuel preserve the accounts of Saul and David’s reign. 1Kings picks up Israel’s history at the end of David’s life.

Being a narrative or story, there are not always specific instructions or principles for living as there are in the NT letters. I often find myself sitting with the Lord, asking Him what He wants me to take away from my time with Him this day. Sometimes the sitting and waiting and listening and praying are the rich blessing of God for that day.

During my time of sitting with the Lord today I found myself watching David.  In his old age, with sickness increasing, David needed more than ever to trust his closest advisors. Clearly he is no longer truly capable of leading.  The time of passing on leadership to the next king has come.

The names of the men surrounding his son, Adonijah, were prominent men in David’s cabinet, likewise were the men who stood for Solomon. All of these men advised David throughout his reign.  Now as David’s reign was ending, some of the previously trusted advisors were posing with Adonijah because it was in THEIR best interest. It was all about themselves and not necessarily the King’s best interests. I wonder if they weren’t acting out of self interest much of their lives?

These thoughts lead me to the thought.  Do I (you) have people working with me I can truly trust? Or are the people around me only faithful to me until a better opportunity comes along?

This may not seem like a spiritual question but the more I contemplate, the deeper it runs. The people we trust and the people who advise us are very important to our life and faith. If they are giving bad advice, we can be put on a wrong path…

Do you have people you truly trust and do you trust them to give you wise and godly advice?

Lord, I am grateful for those around me, family members, coworkers, friends and confidants… I am grateful that they are Christ-following, God-honoring people who I do believe have my best interest at heart. Gifts from You, dear God, gifts from You. Thank you… in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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