Monday, February 7: 1Chronicles 13- Know the rules.

A friend was driving in another country and while changing lanes, as we all do in the US, he was barreled into in the side by another vehicle. No problem. They exchanged information. When my friend filed the police report he learned that he was at fault! According to US laws my friend had the right of way but in this other country he was at fault. Moral of the story… Know the rules!  

David’s heart was in the right place. He wanted the ark of the Lord, the presence of God, with him in the capital city but they didn’t follow the rules for transporting the ark and disaster struck.

·         Rule #1: No human was allowed to touch the ark.

·         Rule #2: The Ark was transported by men carrying it on long poles so as not to touch it. Putting it on a cart was the wrong method of transportation.

Uzzah, well meaning, tried to keep the ark from falling off the tipping cart but when he touched the ark he committed a grievous sin and died as a result right then and there. Uzzah possibly should have known the rules but David, as king, certainly should have known the Law and its clear rule for transporting the Ark.

With this. the Holy Spirit whispers into my soul, “Know the rules… the Father and Son have sent Me to be teacher for all disciples. I will teach you all you need to know and remind you of all Jesus taught (John 14:26). I will counsel you and lead you into all truth but you have to walk with Me, you have to study, you have to spend time with Me in the Word.”

Know the rules…

Holy Spirit, lead and I will follow, teach and I will study. I will spend time in the Word.  Please bring illumination to my mind and heart and soul. Be with me everyday as You have been with me today… Amen.


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